When you're planning your wedding celebration, it's not enough to simply think about the logistics of who is going to do what and when. You also need to consider how accessible your event will be for everyone involved. This includes guests with disabilities, elderly people, parents with young children in tow - even if they don't have any physical limitations themselves. It may seem like an extra step or two at first but really it's the best way to make sure everyone feels welcome and included!
The first thing you should do is let the venue know that you need your wedding to be disability-friendly. If the venue is someone's house, you can even show them these tips beforehand so they can properly prepare. Discuss what accommodations are possible. Tell them about your needs and see how they can help you out.
Next, make sure all of those who matter most understand how important this is to you. Talk about it with your partner and the person who officiates your ceremony. Provide them with a checklist that has all of these tips on it - no one will be able to remember everything if you don't!
Finally, there are some pretty simple but effective things you can do to make your wedding more accessible without going overboard:
- Add ramps where needed for guests entering and exiting the venue. It also doesn't hurt if there's an elevator around just in case someone needs assistance getting up flights of stairs. Just beware of slippery surfaces like ice or snow when installing these- Make sure there are plenty of designated parking spaces close to the entrance for those using wheelchairs or electric scooters.
- Use a microphone for people who may be hard of hearing, and use large print signs for people with visual disabilities. This means having loudspeakers. The DJ should have this handled, but it is always good to double-check.
- Your wedding officiant should be familiar with these types of requests, but if not, do educate them and they will likely be happy to accommodate. Also, make sure your vows are spoken clearly and loudly enough for everyone to hear them.
Make sure everyone feels comfortable and welcome on your wedding day with these simple tips for a more accessible event!
Whether traditional or virtual, religious or civil,
Cantor Daniel Pincus can provide the perfect ceremony on your special day.