Wedding Ceremonies


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The purpose of vow renewal

When a couple renews their vows, it is a wonderful opportunity to remember when they were first married in the presence of close family and friends. This renewal allows them to experience again the intensity of love that filled them at their first wedding. It also gives them an opportunity to recommit themselves publicly as spouses once more, after many happy years together.

The renewal service is a wonderful family celebration, for the whole family.  It is an opportunity to celebrate the family, as well as the marriage, and this can help bring the family together. 

Preparing for your vow renewal

I welcome couples from all religious traditions that recognize this ceremony and intention.  I always want to meet you first.  Without meeting, something will be missing. By meeting, I mean at least a phone call, and even a virtual conference, if not in person. Please know that I can and will invoke God, to cover the spiritual needs of couples of all religions. It goes without saying that we will discuss this. 

Can we write our own vows?

You can feel free to write your own vows based on what is important to you. You or I will read them aloud.  If there is a song or reading -- a prayer, poem, or a religious, fiction, or non-fiction passage -- that you'd like to include, all fine and welcome.

Also, feel free to add any special elements that have spiritual significance for you into the renewal service. Anointing yourselves with oil, lighting candles, any of those, and more. 

Book a Consultation
elderly couple with wedding officiant at vow renewal ceremony

Ready to book your vow renewal ceremony? Fill out the ceremony reservation form here.

I welcome those who wish to renew their love publicly in a vow renewal ceremony.   Let’s connect!

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